Radical Health Tips
These surprisingly simple Radical Health Tips will keep you up to date and in the know about today’s most effective health and weight loss strategies.
The sweet snack that SAFEGUARDS BONES

The sweet snack that SAFEGUARDS BONES

Turns out there are more benefits to prunes than keeping us “regular”. Investigators at Florida State University found that enjoying four prunes (or a glass of prune juice) daily for a year has the power to stop age-related loss of bone mass and increase bone density in post-menopausal women. The reason? The sweet gems are rich in bone-building boron, a compound that helps the body synthesize estrogen and vitamin D – a process vital to maintaining the calcium and magnesium levels needed for strong bones.

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The tasty trio that BOOSTS BRAINPOWER

The tasty trio that BOOSTS BRAINPOWER

Adding the “three B’s” (blueberries, beets and broccoli) to your daily diet can slow brain aging and keep your thinking sharp for years to come. The trio boasts a payload of nutrients that are superheroes when it comes to brain health: Antioxidants reduce brain-harming inflammation, flavonoids sharpen memory, folate helps stabilize moods for clearer thinking, betaine boosts levels of memory-protecting serotonin and vitamin K improves comprehension and the ability to remember things like verbal instructions and directions.

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The daily tweak that SAFEGUARDS YOUR HEART

The daily tweak that SAFEGUARDS YOUR HEART

Magnesium is key for heart health, but most women over 50 lack ample stores. That’s why I advise supplementing with 5 mg. of the nutrient per pound of body weight (750 mg. for a 150-pound woman, for example). Research shows it relaxes blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood and keep your blood pressure in the safe zone. Tip: Avoid taking magnesium with meals, It neutralizes stomach acid, which prevents your body from digesting food and absorbing nutrients as efficiently.

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The relaxing way to ADD HEALTHY YEARS

The relaxing way to ADD HEALTHY YEARS

Unwinding with a glass of vino at dinner keeps you healthy for years to come. Scientists say indulging in a daily glass of wine, beer or mixed drink may help you live longer. Alcohol triggers the liver to produce blood sugar – steadying enzymes and increase production of “good” HDL cholesterol that keeps arteries plaque-free. Plus, that bump in HDL nourishes and energizes immune cells to reduce cancer risk by as much as 40%. Other benefits of a daily tipple include lower odds of stroke and dementia. The key: Keep it to one or two drinks a day.

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Next time your favorite song comes on the radio, turn up the volume and cut loose! Dancing enhances neuroplasticity – your brain’s ability to grow and reorganize neural pathways that keep thinking and memory sharp for years to come. In fact, research published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that frequent dancing is the best physical activity for safeguarding your mind: Not only is it fun, it also reduces the risk of dementia by 76%. That’s a better memory boost than doing daily crossword puzzles or regular reading!

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The cozy way to BOOST IMMUNITY

The cozy way to BOOST IMMUNITY

Relaxing with a cup of spiced orange and honey tea bolsters your defenses against viral invaders. The brew is rich in vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and antibacterial compounds that help prevent the shortening of telomeres, the protective caps on DNA strands by as much as 62%. And that’s key since studies show short telomeres are linked to weakened immune response. To get the benefits, simmer the peel from half a medium orange, 1/2 tsp. of chopped ginger, and 1 Tbs. of raw honey in 1 1/2 cups of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes, then enjoy.

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The surprising mealtime trick that tames bloat-triggering gas and GI upset: Eat your side salad after your entree. The raw vegetables supply fiber and digestion-enhancing enzymes that help your body break down the food in your stomach more efficiently. Also smart: dressing your salad with oil and vinegar. Research has shown olive oil boosts nutrient intake while vinegar helps break down protein and slow carb absorption. The result? No gas, pain, or belly bloat.

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The tasty way to BLAST BELLY FAT

The tasty way to BLAST BELLY FAT

The smart first step to speeding weight loss on any diet plan: detoxing, which primes the body to melt points around the midsection. Most of us have a liver clogged with toxins and fatty deposits, which makes it difficult to metabolize stored fat efficiently. Fortunately, artichokes (especially the hearts) can help. They’re loaded with liver-protecting flavonoids that enhance the output of bile. This aids in the digestion and breakdown of fats. I love tossing artichoke hearts into chicken soup or salads and recommend enjoying 1/2 cup daily.

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The timing tweak that INCREASES TEST ACCURACY

The timing tweak that INCREASES TEST ACCURACY

If you’re experiencing symptoms that could be caused by COVID, you want to get tested as quickly as possible. But brand-new findings from Nashville’s Vanderbilt University suggest that if you’re taking a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction test (more commonly known as a PCR test), midday may be the smartest time to do so. Researchers found that folks released more infectious particles at 2 pm than they did at 8 pm, which means midday testing may reduce the chances of receiving a false negative. Tip: While waiting for your test results to come in, switch on a humidifier (or a slow cooker filled with water) to increase the humidity in your home to the “sweet spot” of 40% to 60%. This prevents COVID from hanging in the air longer than it does in dry conditions.

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A surprising way to BOOST IMMUNITY

A surprising way to BOOST IMMUNITY

The surprising secret to sailing through sick season? Giving your body’s pH levels a tune-up. Research shows half of post-menopausal women have pH levels that are too acidic, which can weaken the immune system. Luckily, it’s easy to check your pH with inexpensive urine or saliva test strips found in drug stores. The ideal reading is 6.4. If your reading is lower, which signifies high acidity, you can bring it back into balance with an acid-neutralizing sipper: Simply stir 1/4 tsp. of sea salt and 1/4 tsp. of cream of tartar into 4 oz. of water and drink daily.

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Courtesy of Ann Louise Gittleman

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More Health Tips
The timing tweak that BLASTS BELLY FAT

The timing tweak that BLASTS BELLY FAT

Happy news: Getting out and about for a stroll in this beautiful weather can whittle your middle. The trick that speeds results? Enjoying a walk before breakfast instead of after. Investigators reporting in the British Journal of Nutrition found that this simple timing shift supercharges your body’s ability to burn belly fat. That’s because when you exercise before a meal on an empty stomach, your body burns off stored fats for fuel (which powers off pounds) instead of tapping into energy stored in muscle cells. Bye-bye, belly fat!

Snack your way to YOUNGER SKIN!

Snack your way to YOUNGER SKIN!

Treating yourself to a handful of chocolate-covered almonds smooths skin and fades fine lines with every bite. Both almonds and dark chocolate are rich in magnesium, a water-bearing mineral that plays a key role in keeping skin plump and hydrated. And research shows that the mineral is also necessary for the creation of enzymes that heal wrinkle-causing free-radical damage. To get the benefits, aim for 400 mg. of magnesium daily. Not a fan of almonds and chocolate? Sunflower seeds are another magnesium-rich pick.

The sweet treat that SOOTHES JOINT PAIN

The sweet treat that SOOTHES JOINT PAIN

Adding pineapple to grilled kebabs or a summer salad is a delicious way to ease arthritis pain. The tropical fruit brims with bromelain, an enzyme that curbs the inflammation that triggers pain and joint damage. In fact, research in Clinical Rheumatology found bromelain was nearly twice as effective at reducing pain as over-the-counter painkillers (and without the side effects). To ease minor aches, enjoy 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen pineapple daily for two weeks. To combat more severe pain, consider taking a 500-mg. bromelain supplement daily.

The sweet chew that OPTIMIZES IMMUNITY

The sweet chew that OPTIMIZES IMMUNITY

The sweet chew that OPTIMIZES IMMUNITY

Planning a late-summer trip? Taking elderberry extract daily starting 10 days before you leave (and for five days after you return) helps you enjoy your trip without worrying about colds and viruses making the rounds. Australian scientists found that folks who did this when traveling had 22% fewer respiratory infection symptoms and recovered two days faster than those who didn’t take elderberry. Credit goes to anthocyanins, which blunt the ability of viruses to invade cells. Try: New Nordic Elderberry Gummies (NewNordicUSA.com)



A slow thyroid is a common cause of weight gain, but up to 60% of women with the condition are unaware they have it. Even if you suspect a problem, it can be hard to convince your doctor. To measure your thyroid function at home, take your underarm temperature first thing in the morning with a non-digital thermometer, keeping it in place for 10 minutes. Repeat for four consecutive days to get an average temperature. If it’s under 97.8 degrees F and you have constipation, talk to your doctor – or find one who will listen!

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