Turns out there are more benefits to prunes than keeping us “regular”. Investigators at Florida State University found that enjoying four prunes (or a glass of prune juice) daily for a year has the power to stop age-related loss of bone mass and increase bone density in post-menopausal women. The reason? The sweet gems are rich in bone-building boron, a compound that helps the body synthesize estrogen and vitamin D – a process vital to maintaining the calcium and magnesium levels needed for strong bones.
The wardrobe tweak to FEEL YOUR BEST
One of the easiest ways to foster joy and good health: tailoring your clothes to your unique needs. When deciding what to wear, consider the radiant energy of the colors in your closet. Each one has an effect on your body, and color therapy has been used for centuries in the treatment of disease and injury. Anxious? Pick a blue top, which promotes tranquility and calmness. Sad? Add a pop of yellow. The sunny color has been shown to boost cheer. Grieving? Choose pink, which can help heal sadness and loss.