For more suggestions on how to fight viruses, see my blog post: Coronavirus: How to Boost Your Immune System and Protect Yourself
The wardrobe tweak to FEEL YOUR BEST
One of the easiest ways to foster joy and good health: tailoring your clothes to your unique needs. When deciding what to wear, consider the radiant energy of the colors in your closet. Each one has an effect on your body, and color therapy has been used for centuries in the treatment of disease and injury. Anxious? Pick a blue top, which promotes tranquility and calmness. Sad? Add a pop of yellow. The sunny color has been shown to boost cheer. Grieving? Choose pink, which can help heal sadness and loss.
What an interesting suggestion! Good to know there is a supplement that is strong enough to do this.
Shawna, Knowing about this gives me a lot of peace of mind. I’m going to start taking it every day.
Will this raise cholesteral or what if you have fatty liver?
Kate, There is no reason that monolaurin should raise cholesterol or create a problem with a fatty liver. To help with a fatty liver and increase detox and smooth bile flow, the Bile Builder supplement is extremely helpful. Here’s the link:
Is there a substitute for this? For those that can’t have coconut.
Tori, Oregano oil also has antiviral propereties and can be taken as a supplement.
is this supplemt ok to take if you have fattuy liver disease, and cholersterol issues. is there an alternative and would 1000 mg be ok per day alos if you have leaky gut endotoxemia will it have a negative effect
Dawn, We can’t give you medical advice, but there is no contraindication taking monolauren with any of the conditions you mentioned. One thousand to two thousand mg. will be an acceptable amount.
How do I order the 11Cent capsule for COVID?
Here is the highest dosage capsule. It’s available on Amazon. Here’s the link:
Thank you. I will order some of this supplement.